I’m not particularly prepped, but I do always like to know we’ve got an off-grid cabin in a woodland, an allotment and a garden veg patch… My most preppy thing was to buy iodine when Russie invaded Ukraine. It’s probably out of date now though…

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Hi Katie, thanks for the comment. I think iodine has a shelf life of 2 to 5 years depending on whether it's solution to tablets. I think I have some that's about 30 years old. Best bin it :-)

I used to have a NBC outfit left over from NBC training in the cadets. Still have the respirator. Nuclear is the only thing I'm not at all prepared for. Other than I have the tech to measure ionising radiation. If things go that far I'd probably rather not know.

If I was to upscale anything it would be my ability to purify water. I have a few water filtration systems. Including one decent high capacity system. But I'd need a better water catchment solution other than the three small water butts I currently have.

In regards to growing our own food we have a tiny greenhouse and would have to survive on garden full of wood pigeon. :-)

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Staying in LA I always knew where the go-bag was in case of earthquake son when the kids arrived I built my own from scratch to keep in the car here. I looked at ones you could buy complete online but the stuff was pretty low quality so although my gear is more expensive I know it won’t fall apart if I ever need it. Now it’s done I forget about it but have calendar reminders set so I know when to replace the energy bars etc.

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I found I could buy a box of MRE energy bars for next to nothing. I had hundreds of the things. Date and banana I think. Some ended up 5 years out of date and still tasted good.

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Yeah they’re a bit of a hassle which is why I went for a decent hatchet in case I need to sausageise the neighbours.

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