Sat in the garden squinting at the screen. Just cracked a beer.
Been playing radio for a chunk of the day. In the photo above you will see my G4TPH ML40HPMk11 Magloop. It works on 40m-30m-20m-17m-15m with 10 aluminium rails and 20m-17m-15m-12m-10m using 7 rails. It will do 100W SSB, 50W CW and 35W data modes.
But I’ve been using it with 5 watts into the Icom 705. I got into Hungry and made contact with the palindromically satisfying callsign HA1AH at 915 miles. Not sure you can get these antennas any more but they are well made and with such narrow tuning the activity on the bands really pops out on the waterfall.
I’m in the process of testing aerials and honing my kit ready for some field work when I’m not in the garden.
For the rest of the week I’ve only managed taking out my handhelds on a dog walk.
I’m still waiting for my iCom to be repaired so I’ve been equipped with the FT5D and my Wouxun KG-UV8G 2m & 4m radio
Although I can comfortably carry both these radios in the £3 waistcoat I bought on Ebay, it might not be the best look.
It has loads of pockets spare though so might be useful on field days.
10 years ago I was wearing a Scottevest…
I even have a patent for an idea Scottevest implemented.
But now for some reason i’m wearing a £3 second hand vest that looks like a punctured life jacket.
I wonder if it will be improved if I sew a bunch of patches on it…
You know you can always leave me a comment to stop me doing stuff I might later regret. Or to recommend somewhere where I might find Ham Radio themed patches.
Maybe I can commission some from Make it Yours. They do all the merch for PADARC and have no minimum order. I’m hoping to chat with them next week.
I also spent a good few hours in a video chat with the BBC Amateur Radio Group AGM. Fascinating stuff and lots of exciting things to look forward to in the coming year.
You would think that Retevis would know that encrypting amateur radio communications would be in breach of licensing conditions. Perhaps this is an open sales pitch to the Russian army who appear to be short of secure comms.
When it comes to amateur radio accessories every Lidl helps. (See what I did there?) Their middle aisle section often has all sorts of odds and sods that are handy to have when doing radio related stuff. Today when I was attempting to strap a fibreglass pole to my pergola I was wondering if I should upgrade my bungee cords. Then, later on, as if by magic, what should I find in Lidl…?
Ten flat bungee cords in a variety of lengths for £4.99. Bargain.
Back to my time in the garden today…
Sadly although looking for a chat first thing in the morning the activity was mostly contests, so I took a break and when I came back swapped the mag loop for my my QRP 49-1 EFHW from Moonraker. This was the first time I got to have a proper play.
I have attached 53 ft, 16.15 M of lightweight antenna wire on the end and an earth at the radio end.
This seems to be the sweet spot as when using this length with the Elecraft T1 tuner I can tune in top band - 80 - 60 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 17 - 15 - 12 - 10 and 6m I get 1:1 on 40, 12 and 6m and the worst SWR is 1:1.9 on 17m.
Even though I only had it at 4m high at one end and down to the floor on the other, it flooded my screen with signals. Working between 5 and 10 watts in my back garden surrounded by trees and houses I worked a load of UK stations as well as Italy, France and Belgium. Time was limited but I’m going to make this pocketable antenna a must have in my bag. Looks like Moonraker have sold out of this for the moment and I wondering if word has already got around.
Really enjoyed this concise documentary on UK pirate radio. It’s well worth a listen.
And this is a great series on Pirate Radio from The Verge. There are three episodes covering different angles.
The radio-in-a-box solution mentioned in one of the above podcasts.
And here is the Brooklyn pirate radio sound map.
Using two way radios while driving.
Use this search engine to its full capacity and penetrate web-based services to new depths… But Google Dork at your own risk.
The strength of shortwave…
Thanks for reading and I hope subscribing.
It’s dark now. My beer is now wine and the radio gear I was using in the garden is now packed away.
Please share email this wherever you think it might resonate. If every one of you enticed a radio loving friend to subscribe there would be… [counts fingers] …more subscribers.
Next week I might be on the road. Looking forward to hitting some new repeaters and possibly even operating HF from a hotel room.
Till then..
73 de Christian G5DOC