England to California to Texas and back to the UK took a toll on my body clock. In fact I feel I’m still adjusting almost a week later. I also got back into the shack a little later than expected and had to play catch up with a bunch of things. Especially my allocation for the commemorative callsign GB100BBC.
Being a member of G8BBC I was able to put my name down for a week of operating with GB100BBC. My first experience of using a special event callsign.
For me having worked with and for the BBC, documenting stories and training journalists I have met some amazing individuals doing their best to help people understand the world around them. I’ve also been on the receiving end of their services (not just TV and Radio) when I suddenly had to homeschool my kids. An easy job with all the resources the BBC made available. So you might say I have a soft spot for the corporation.
And then there is the incredible history of the BBC.
July 1967 - BBC TWO - the first full colour TV service in Europe
April 1974 - The Family - the first 'fly-on-the-wall' documentary
July 1981 - The Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer
January 1983 - Breakfast Time – the UK's first breakfast TV service
February 1985 - EastEnders - the BBC's most watched programme
March 2008 - BBC Arabic and BBC Persian Television – a new way forward
I have no idea what the end of this list might look like in the coming years. All I know is that I’m honoured to have been able to represent the BBC internationally over the airwaves this past week. I’ve done my best with the few hours I was able to snatch here and there. There have been quick contacts and short exchanges as well as fascinating rag chews with radio operators around the world.
Although I have been calling CQ I have mostly enjoyed replying to others calling CQ and popping up randomly in conversations. This has meant I’ve built my list steadily and avoided any unmanageable pileups.
All of the people I have contacted have been courteous. …Well there was this one group who unbeknown to me had been disagreeing with something the BBC had put out and there I was, popping up at the end of a long rant, totally oblivious to what had been said.
“Are you spying on us?” One guy said before filling me in on his thoughts.
“Sorry” I replied, “I’ve just turned on. Everyone is more than welcome to their opinion. Even if it’s wrong.”
I think he could tell I was smiling as he laughed and asked me if he could get me in the log. So over all it has been a wonderful experience.
I made my contacts in phone mode (FM & SSB) and digital (FT8 & DSTAR). The first person I worked was Gordon M7TOG on 4M.
After him I worked other stations in England, Northern Ireland, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, USA, Italy, Spain, Finland, Skye, Poland, Wales, Romania, Oman, Greece, India, Serbia, Canada, Brazil, Sardinia and Luxembourg.
All contacts were across 70cm, 2m, 4m, 10m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 80m, 160m.
My last day was sadly cut short as I have to head east. That said, conditions these last two days have been a bit weird.
Outside of repeater work and the above shack antics I took my Icom IC705 round a friend’s house last night. Their garden is overlooked by a big house and massive trees, but with the help of my Sotabeams linked dipole I was able to show him activity across the bands.
Nice to sit out round a fire at night with the radio. Hopefully there will be more of that in the coming months.
In other news… I don’t think I have mentioned David G7DIU before. He is one of the reasons I went for my amateur radio licence. I really liked how he shepherded the net. Always interested and diplomatic. He guided conversations I wanted to be a part of.
Sadly he was taken ill last year and had to go into hospital. Thankfully although suffering a neurological disease he is able to key up a handheld and while now being looked after back home is able to get on the radio.
Hearing David pop up on the morning net yesterday is a highlight of the year for me.
Welcome back David. Even though I have only known you a few years I have to say welcome back old friend. It’s so good to hear your voice.
Thanks for reading and I hope subscribing.
I’ll be heading east soon and will take my radios with me. Just in case.
If there is anyone you think might like a weekly dose of radio stuff in an email, please let them know about this. Feel free to link this in FaceBook or forums etc. The more the merrier and all that.
73 de Christian G5DOC