As I said at the top, I’m in Wales. I probably should be in bed but I’ve had a quirky beer and feel like writing.
The CO2 monitor in the above image is telling me I should probably open a window. So I shall. Let’s see if things change by the time I get to the bottom of this page.
I’m here on a mission to gather stories at Baavet HQ. Had an easy drive from the flat lands to the hills. Also got to hit a few repeaters on the way.
Clive, 2E0OZX saw me off away from GB3OV and Dave G4SJV kept me company through the Midlands on GB3EM. There were other folk on the repeater but it’s hard memorising callsigns on the move.
A chat with Lyndon, M0LMZ on GB3LH had me start the QSO with G5DOC and sign off with GW5DOC as our chat carried me across the border into Wales.
On the way into Porthmadog I chatted with John GW4TQD 70cm simplex but now in my hotel there is nothing heard other than PMR. I’m only .2 of a mile away from MB6IPG but I packed a Fusion radio and not DMR.
A few of you said some lovely things about the last issue and it’s much appreciated. As is the way, nobody left a comment. But contacted me via messaging apps and email. It's good to know you are out there. Comments and likes on this publication are as rare as conversations during a 40m contest. Feel free if you’d like to change that.
Think of this email as a CQ call. It's ok to respond. A 'like' is akin to an FT8 blip telling me you received my signal and a comment could be a full blown QSO.
As a follow on from some of the A.I chat I looked into how machine learning algorithms might disrupt amateur radio. There is a lot of speculation and experimentation.
I also had a fascinating chat on the local net wondering how long before the role of net control is automated. I said it’s possible to do it now but that I think we'll see models within a year.
We also discussed how much more accessible radio will be with enhanced voice control, automatic tuning, power control, lift notifications and who knows what else. As with any tech evolving this fast, ethical questions will be raised. Especially as operators use AI to identify and contact rare or hard-to-reach stations. This might lead to a "robotic arms race" in which operators compete to make the most contacts using AI.
This could run in parallel with traditional competitions or perhaps even take over. Who wouldn't want the latest radio tech capable of pulling in inaudible signals? I’m cool with that if it all happens in the box. But what if the radio needs a constant internet connection to complete is computations? That feels like the wrong kind of magic to me.
As always-on humans, we are at a crossroads. Our connection to the ‘hive mind’ and the functionality it offers has jumped a notch. And will continue to do so exponentially until we are dependent on it.
When that happens, you know where to find me.
An internal charging mod for the Elecraft KX2.
A smart phone that will also work with repeaters.
I drove here in a borrowed Mini Cooper S. With the roof mostly glass I struggled to find a decent spot for the mag mount. As a result I’ve not got the best SWR on things but earlier in the week it didn’t stop me heading out to a hill and plug in a few radios.
For a change from 2 and 70 I tried CB, and 4M.
The handheld was sat on the dash pinging APRS and bounced off a few beacons as well as spotted a few mobile operators passing on the A1.
Even at height CB was useless.
But I put a call out on the 4M calling freq 70.450 and 2E0ICR came right back. We QSY’d to 70.400 and enjoyed a long QSO. Line of sight, David was only about 5 miles away across the valley so audio was crystal and all the bars were lit.
I brought these three radios with me. Looking forward to see if I can get some time to try 4m at height.
Talking to ChatGPT over DSTAR.
An interesting antenna I heard mentioned on the net. The VK2ABQ
Something I’m still yet to try the VarAC quick start guide.
Intelligent Radio: When Artificial Intelligence Meets Radio Network
Good news should you need windows for some radio ops as Microsoft will support windows 11 on newer Macs through Parallels. Whether your old apps will still work is yet to be seen.
I wonder how many hobbyists balloons are being shot down with expensive US tech.
This is my other more regular, eclectic email.
Thanks for reading and I hope subscribing.
Please share this onwards wherever you think it might resonate. Facebook, forums, word of mouth. It all helps.
At time of writing there are 199 subscribers to this email. You are some of the more curious people in radio ;-) And I thank you.
73 de Christian G5DOC
The window open did the trick… Although it certainly got cooler.
The mini isn’t the best for magmount location although the back near the hatch may work