
Coronal mass ejection [007]

Greetings from the shack...
[Apologies if you are experiencing audio sync issues. The video feature here in Substack is still in beta.]


For this, issue 007, it would be amiss of me to not attempt to dig up some James Bond related radio trivia.

So how about the ham radio from Dr. No.

With the resurgence in number stations over the last couple of weeks there’s no surprise there’s an increase in online chatter about them. What did surprise me was a coincidental feature in a kids magazine my son subscribes to called Aquila.

Although this feature would have been planned months ago, it landed on our mat during the recent spike in number station activity. My lad was keen to show me and told me the moment he saw it was about radio he thought i’d be interested.

It’s true. This is a really great magazine for kids and didn’t think I could love it even more.

I had fun reading it with him and once again tempted him to go for his foundation licence. He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said “I have a phone. I’ll only need a ham radio if there is an apocalypse. And if there is an apocalypse I won’t need a licence.

I fear this magazine might be making him too smart. But although he makes a good point, I feel he is still missing the point. Come the apocalypse he’ll obviously assume I’ll teach him radio. But when he asks, i’ll hand him the Foundation manual. Till then he’s have to stick to PMR and CB radios. Less chance of blowing them up ;-)

Quick question:

Which James Bond Film is also a shop where you can buy ham radio gear?

First one to leave the answer in a comment on the Substack page for this email gets a free month as a full subscriber.

(Bonus kudos for wrong funny wrong answers).


This week I advised the Huntingdon Amateur Radio Society (HARS) on how to capture decent audio while live-streaming their AGM.

The Rode Wireless Go seemed to me to be the simple option and it was. Not a single dropout over the 2 hour meeting.

A lot of topics were covered during the AGM including the upgrade of GB3OV. It was also the last meeting with Mervyn G4KLE as Chairman and secretary of the club as after 5 years he was stepping down.

I might only have experienced a short time of his leadership but I have certainly found out how much he cares and does for the club. Some fine organisational multitasking alongside looking out for the welfare of its members and the repeater. He will be a hard act to follow...

Should you be looking to join a society/club take a look at HARS. (All are welcome but you’re especially welcome if you’re under 70 year old. We have loads of them. ;-)

I’d really like them to get to 100 members and they are getting close. All you have to do is navigate the retro work-of-art website to then email the membership secretary. If you do join the club as a new member let me know and I’ll give you three months free full subscription to this email dispatch.


Although this little 9V QRP radio build was not used by Bond himself I think it is is certainly worth a look.

Click the pic or here to find out more about this little radio.

Or click here to see more clandestine radios.

I managed to squeeze 20m of antenna wire into this Chalk line reel. [Amazon link]

I plan to use it as a portable counterpoise. I can’t help but think although a 20m retractable metal tape measure would be more compact, they are hard to come by.

I call these ‘fish clips’ and use them to clip a wire antenna to a fibreglass pole.

I found them in a garden centre. They are normally used for clipping plants to canes. I’m thinking they might also be able to hang wire off a plastic gutter.

As mentioned above this came through the post recently and is now fully charged and ready to go. I’m hoping to use it with my iCom IC705.

I’ll get a video review up shortly. If you are on the look out for some portable power here is the [Amazon affiliate link] It’s just dropped £20 in price.


Mostly been dog walking mobile this week.

I took the Icom out on a sunny dog walk and put a call out on GB3OV.

A guy called Mick came back. M7ICK. If you want to evesdrop on the QSO we had he’s cool with me linking it here.

As has happened during long QSO’s in the past, the iCOM ID-52 steamed up again.

I mentioned my disappointment on Twitter and a few moments later iCOMUK DM’d me and told me to post it back to them. I’ve tried to dry it out twice now so I guess that now it’s down to them. I’ll let you know how it goes.

If you have Fusion and fancy dropping into a net run by C.R.O.W.S (The creative radio Operators Wireless Society) check out. [YSF 52705 GB CROWS]

The net is normally run by Lee M7APO who will no doubt welcome you with open mic.



Either my whole body aches because I was working in the garden all day or it’s allergic to massive solar storms. Anyone watching the skies tonight?

Thanks for reading and I hope subscribing.

Send me any cool links you would like including in future issues. And please share this wherever you think it might resonate. You are some of the more curious people in radio ;-) And I thank you for being here.


73 de Christian G5DOC


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